75 research outputs found

    A State of the Art of Governance Literature on adaptation to climate change. Towards a research agenda

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    This report provides a state-of-the-art overview of governance literature on adaptation strategies. What has recent research taught us on adaptation from the perspective of governance and to what research agenda does this lead? This report is structured as followed. Firstly, it will be argued why adaptation is a matter of governance. Secondly, the research methods for the literature study will be outlined. Thirdly, the results of the literature study will portray the findings in terms of the themes and foci with, respectively, environmental studies, spatial planning and development studies, and public administration studies. Finally, a comparative analysis of these findings will lead to a research agenda for future research on governance of adaptatio

    Доступ до електронно-інформаційної інфраструктури та технологій в Україні

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    Про подальший розвиток електронно-інформаційної інфраструктури в Україні.О дальнейшем развитии электронно-информационной инфраструктуры в Украине.On further development of electronic-informative infrastructure in Ukraine

    Хвороби колосу у озимої пшениці лісостепу України

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    Наводяться результати вивчення видового складу збудників хвороб колосу і зерна озимої пшениці. В результаті мікологічного аналізу визначили, що мікофлора хворого колосся представлена такими видами грибів: Mucor mucedo, Penicilium viridicatum, P. expansum, Alternaria alternata, A. tenussima, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium sporotrichiella, F.oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. culmorum, F. graminearum, F. gibbosum. Серед грибів роду Fusarium найбільш поширеним є F. graminearum. До даного захворювання виділені відносно стійкі сорти: Деметра, Ростиславна, Багіра, Сніжана.Приводятся результаты изучения видового состава возбудителей болезней колоса и семян озимой пшеницы. В результате микологического анализа определили, что микофлора больных колосьев представлена такими видами грибов: Mucor mucedo, Penicillium viridicatum, P. expansum, Alternaria alternata, A. tenussima, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium sporotrichiella, F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F culmorum, F. graminearum, F. gibbosum. Среди грибов рода Fusarium наиболее распространенным является F. graminearum. К даному заболеванию выделены относительно устойчивые сорта: Деметра, Ростиславна, Багира, Снижана.Results of studying specific composition of pathogens of winter wheat head and seeds are given. Resulted from mycological analyze it was determined that mycoflora of attacked ears consists of such fungi species as Mucor mucedo, Penicillium viridicatum, P. expansum, Alternaria alternata, A. tenussima, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium sporotrichiella, F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. culmorum, F. graminearum, F. gibbosum. F. graminerum was the most widespread species among Fusarium genus. Comparatively resistant against these disease cultivars Demetra, Rostyslavna, Bagira, Snizhana were singled out

    Зміст журналу “Слово і Час” за 2007 р.

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    As a means to sustainable urban development, redeveloping brownfield sites is advocated over greenfield development in most Western countries. There is much case study research into the factors that influence the (financial) costs, revenues and results of land development. What is virtually absent in the literature is large-scale quantitative research, in which costs and revenues of land development are systematically related to location features. This paper reports on the results of such a research project in the Netherlands in which multivariate regression analyses have been carried out to estimate the relative value of these location features to the costs and revenues of land development. The research shows that much of the financial variance can be explained by basic location features. Especially previous land use (brownfield versus greenfield) and the fragmentation of land ownership seem to play a key role in understanding the financial structure of land development

    Особенности образования неметаллических включений при производстве углеродистой электростали

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    Изложены результаты, полученных при реализации нового подхода к решению проблемы образования неметаллических включений (НВ), основанного на анализе генезиса и трансформации НВ в стали по всем этапам сталеплавильно–разливочного и прокатного (применительно к условиям сортопрокатно–проволочного стана) переделов

    Capacity Building for the Integration of Climate Adaptation into Urban Planning Processes: The Dutch Experience

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    The institutions of the Dutch (urban) planning system face four challenging characteristics of climate adaptation measures. These measures are uncertain in their effects, in competition with other interests, multifaceted, and inherently complex. Capacity building is a key issue for the implementation of climate adaptation measures in urban planning processes, which aim to achieve Climate-Proof Cities (CPC). For successful capacity building, it is important to define the relevant stakeholders and tailor the adaptation strategies first to (the position of) these stakeholders and next to the specific urban conditions and issues. In addition, scientific insights and tools can be of assistance, and the use of climate maps can help to create a common language. Such common understanding of climate problems can lead to “goal entwinement” between actors, which can support the implementation of climate adaptation strategies in urban planning. Awareness, recognition and urgency are the most important components of this common understanding, which may differ for each stage in every urban planning process. In order to overcome the pragmatism that rules in day-to-day urban planning processes, multi-level arrangements between different tiers of government must be employed to improve the penetration of climate adaptation measures. After all, it still remains a soft interest in a hard process

    Buchrezension: van der Cammen, Hans; de Klerk, Len; Dekker, Gerhard; Witsen, Peter Paul (2013): The Selfmade Land: Culture and Evolution of Urban and Regional Planning in the Netherlands

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    Die Niederlande seien das möglicherweise am meisten überplante Land Europas, mit einer tief verwurzelten Planungskultur von Ordnung und Effizienz, reklamieren die Autoren von „The Selfmade Land“ gleich zu Beginn des Buches. Obwohl die Niederlande ein relativ kleines Land sind, wird deren Raumplanung in der internationalen Fachliteratur viel beachtet und diskutiert (Faludi und van der Valk 1994; Wesselink et al. 2007; Buitelaar 2010). „The Selfmade Land“ reiht sich somit in eine Anzahl englischsprachiger Fachbücher über die niederländische Raumplanung ein. So behandelt Needham (2007) beispielsweise in „Dutch land-use planning“ bodenpolitische Funktionen und Effekte der niederländischen Planung, Hajer et al. (2010) reflektieren in „Strong Stories – how the Dutch are reinventing spatial planning“ anhand von Praxisbeispielen planungstheoretische Konzepte in den Niederlanden. Die Autoren von „The Selfmade Land“ nehmen eine kulturhistorische Perspektive auf niederländische Raumplanung ein. Das Buch versteht sich dabei nicht vorrangig als ein wissenschaftliches Fachbuch (S. 12), sondern adressiert mit seinem wissenschaftsjournalistischen Schreibstil ein breiteres planungsinteressiertes Publikum und thematisiert dabei die Kultur und Entwicklung der Raumplanung in den Niederlanden. Bei dem Buch handelt es sich um eine seit 1986 stetig überarbeitete und nun erstmals ins Englische übersetzte und erweiterte Ausgabe von „Ruimtelijke ordening: van grachtengordel to Vinex-wijk“ (van der Cammen und de Klerk 2003). Während die ursprünglichen Versionen des Buches von Hans van der Cammen und Len de Klerk stammen, sind bei der vorliegenden Version des Buches nun zwei weitere Autoren beteiligt: Gerhard Dekker und Peter Paul Witsen

    Book review: Strong stories - How the Dutch are reinventing spatial planning

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    “This book makes a case for the power and importance of the narrative, emotional, and symbolic aspects of spatial planning” (p. 246). In Dutch and English, the editors of Strong Stories—How the Dutch Are Reinventing Spatial Planning present a theoretical planning concept: strong stories. The authors reflect on practical planning examples throughout the Netherlands, selecting many water-related planning cases, such as river bypasses, polder developments, etc. After introducing the concept of strong stories in the first section, the book presents sections on knowledge and participation, planning with stories, anchoring stories, and finally on responsibility for quality and democracy, with the concluding section summing up the findings. In the introductory section, “The Power of Strong Stories,” the editors state that “without a strong story there can be no successful planning” (p. 13). They reflect on the roles of planners and of their expertise in the planning process, presenting a definition of planning that emphasizes the key roles of communication and coordination (p. 14). The editors conclude this section with the explanation that strong stories lead to spatial quality by tying together visions, knowledge, and democratic legitimacy. After this introduction by the editors, four sections with a similar structure follow. Each section consists of a general introduction and some case studies presented by Hajer, van’t Klooster, and Grijzen. Different authors in independent essays then reflect on the overall topic of the section (without referring to the case studies). This structure shows the inductive way of elaborating on the idea of strong stories. Methodologically, however, this structure is not always pursued consistently—instead of using the same case studies in different sections for discussion from various facets, some case studies just run through all the sections while others are just used selectively in particular sections. The selection of cases is not well reasoned either. The essays do not all reflect on the case studies presented by the editors and sometimes present their own cases (e.g., in Hemel’s essay)

    Increasing the adaptive capacity in unembanked neighborhoods? An exploration into stakeholder support for adaptive measures in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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    Cities in deltas are vulnerable to climate change, especially their unembanked neighborhoods that are not protected by dikes. Rising sea levels and extreme water levels in the rivers can lead to the flooding of these urban areas. The Nether- lands has a long history in water management. However, building dikes and the elevation of land are traditionally treated as rather stand-alone measures. Attention is rarely paid to the surrounding area, let alone to the complex context of cities and certainly not to disadvantaged neighborhoods. Yet, inner-city area redevelopment may provide opportuni- ties to integrate flood management in these planning processes. In order to investigate the support of stakeholders for risk-reducing adaptive measures and more resilient measures, we did research in an unembanked inner-city area in the city of Rotterdam (The Netherlands), in which we conducted in-depth interviews with the central stakeholders. The main conclusion is that the most important barriers for integrating climate adaptation measures into that neighborhood are the fragmentation of water-safety policy (e.g. elevation of rebuilding locations) and the hierarchical governance ar- rangement in water management. This type of fragmentation led on its turn to fragmentation with other policy goals for the neighborhood. It also led to fragmentation between different areas in the same neighborhood that received political attention and those that are excluded from water-safety policy. This questions the approach in terms of social justice. An important side effect is that this governance arrangement also restricted innovation towards climate adaptation. Therefore, integrating water-safety policies in urban planning (in its capacity as a more integrative and comprehensive spatial approach) should be considered the best option to increase the adaptive capacity in delta cities. Not only can the negative effects in terms of policy fragmentation be dealt with effectively, but also spatial fragmentation can be tackled